Sunday, December 27, 2009

17. About the final presentation

At the beginning I thought that presenting a short story is harder than a movie because you have more to read. However now I think it is harder to present a movie because you don't have everything in front of you. You need to watch and write every single detail very carefully. To catch the small jokes, sometimes you need to go back and watch it again, watch it again and watch it again. Thank god that all the movies that we are presenting are fun to watch and also fun to think about them. Although we shared the topics in our group, we need to be more aware of the general information about the movie. Anyways, enough with the complains lets move on with the positive parts. Our movie is "The Full Monty" and I am watching it for the first time. It was the only movie that I did not watch before so I am a little bit lucky, I am watching a new movie. If you wonder my first impression about the movie, it was very funny but in a different way. You feel sorry at the same time. Also the accent that actors and actresses use is very hard to understand so it was not very easy to follow the subtitles and watch the movie. However I am glad that our presentation movie is "The Full Monty".

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