Saturday, December 12, 2009

10. Something about our presentation

We did our presentation and now I am writing what I feel about our presentation.
As my classmates know, we presented a short story called "The Man Who Was Almost a Man".
As I mentioned during our presentation first I don't like the story because I didn't read it carefully. But then I read it carefully and I found it interesting. I tried to understand Dave etc etc.

Let's move on with the presentation...
Ayşe, Bahar and Onur were in my group and we worked a lot on our presentation. We met 3 times. Some of them were not very efficient but even those meetings we came up with lots of different ideas.

It was really easy to share who is going to present what, we were very kind to each other.
Moreover everyone did what they supposed to do so I was very lucky, responsibility is the most important thing with those kind of project.

In addition to these as a group we did our best.

For self evaluation, I guess I should be honest to myself.
I have problem and I don't know how to fix this and also I guess I don't want to fix it anyway because I feel comfortable that way.
For every kind of literature analysis, I cannot find the right answer. I have my own truths and it is very hard to find the "real or literature" truth. First I found my own truth, then the teacher says the literature truth and s/he convinces me and we move on. This has never changed. It was like this in middle school, in high school and I was very hopeful about the university but NO, I am still the same and I don't feel sad about this. For example when we read a poem, everyone make the same comment about an obvious symbol but then I make a totally different comment. Fortunately or unfortunately (depends on you point of view) this situation was same with my analysis on Dave.

About my use of language and fluency, I guess I did well. Of course I had some errors and spelling mistakes but overall I guess I was fine. Also I am sure that our final project will be better.

Thank you everyone for listening us and preparing good presentations....

1 comment:

  1. Elif, this is not a problem! Of course literature has many truths, that's what makes it literature. You should never think there is one final answer. Do not misunderstand my comments; I only wanted you to consider the wider context of the story.
