Thursday, December 24, 2009

13. New Year

First of all, I would like to thank Sonja because I had fun today. I learned some new things and also I had fun at the same time. We first we played the grammar game and if you are to compete with others then it becomes more fun so it was very fun. Then we ate cookies that Sonja made for us and it was a very kind attitude. I wasn't expecting something like that and I became very happy and someone thinks us and bakes cookies for us. :) . After that we listened 2 songs. The first one called "I'd love to change the world" (so do I) and it was a very nice song. I also want and wanted to change the world but I don't and didn't know what to do and did so I don't want to leave it up to anybody but what should I do? Who is going to change the world if I don't? People even doesn't care about the other people around them. Even no one says "çok yaşa" if someone sneezes. We don't know how to say "thank you" or "özür dilerim" and we are expecting a change in the world. How would the world change if we don't change?
I really don't know. These topics are very hard to understand and it is better not to be mean to world.
but still;
"I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do"
About the second song maybe you might hear from me saying "you may say I am a dreamer" before because I use it a lot especially when I start a silly sentence. Anyways I love that song too so I was really happy during the class. Then thanks to Sonja she let me play Nil's song. If you loved them you could listen more here:
I wasn't very happy about the Obama song because I don't like it a lot. Then our time was up so we left class.

About the new year, I don't understand the concept of new year. Maybe we are celebrating new year because we need some things that we could celebrate as a result we celebrate every single, silly thing.

I wish I could make a list that I am going to do and I am not going to do during the new year but unfortunately I cannot think of any. So Merry Christmas to Sonja and an early happy new year to you all :)

1 comment:

  1. This is such a cool post, thank you! It made me laugh. You're very welcome, and thank you again for treating it like a 'party'; I know what you mean about people not even saying the little things anymore, I won't say too much about it here but I certainly experienced it last Thursday...

    I think the desire to change the world is enough. I mean it starts with us. You already have the right attitude, and you will change it, don't doubt that.
