Sunday, March 7, 2010

5. Stereotypes

I am just being honest in this post, I don't pretend that I am such a perfect person that has no stereotypes, even though I don't generalize people and judge them according to their specific characteristics, I still have some stereotypes.

Before I read:
My list of stereotypes for Asian students:
They work really hard.

Imm I guess that is all for my stereotypes for Asian students, I couldn't think of any other so, look I am almost perfect : )

As I read:
I felt bad when I realized that my stereotype for Asian students was same in the reading. Anyway, I would like to write about my theoretical and practical reactions. As anyone else in the world in theoretical, I will stay calm and try to offense myself and my ethnic background. I will be explaining patiently what I think and why am I right and why s/he is wrong. However in practice probably I will act like her.

4. It is all about the research paper, nothing special really.

I would like to write a research paper about the option three: adolescence.
I think this is not a surprise for especially Sonja and Can because I am acting as an adolescent lately.
If I do my work good then I could understand myself better.
As a result this research process will be very beneficial for me.
Since I will be analysing various aspects of adolescent identity formation in coming of age film(s) and/or novel(s) of my choice, do I need to decide those film(s)/or novel(s) by tomorrow?
That is it for now, have a good Sunday evening or have a good time whenever you read this post.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I was going to reread the short story and the article and write a blog post about them. I have got too much to write about them but I have more buts...

It is almost 4 o'clock in the morning and I don't, can't, couldn't sleep.

Dear Elaine, what is the reason that keeps me awake 4 o'clock in the morning?
Why are you insipid and I am not?
At least I could manage to sleep....